sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2007

Olho de fora

Reencontro no networked performance a referência a uma instalação que destaca a visão do participante do seu olho próprio, que passa a ver segundo a perspectiva de uma câmera sem fio que flutua acima dele. O Floating Eye (2001), de Hiroo Iwata, foi um dos projetos mencionados por Mashiko Kusahara em conferência proferida recentemente Symposium do FILE Rio/2007. Segue trecho do networket performance:
"[...] (photo by Saxinger) Floating Eye (2001), by Hiroo Iwata (VRlab), is an interactive installation that separates vision from the body. The participant can only see wide-angle image floating in the air. The image is captured by a wireless camera attached to an airship, pulled along by the user. The participants can see themselves from above, along with the surrounding area.
A large helmet provides the immersive experience. This helmet contains a convex mirror, with a projector mounted at the rear, so the image takes up the users whole field of view. The movie belows shows how this works. Movie (10mb mpeg) More images and video."

Ainda no tópico Alternate Perspectives, um outro projeto que lembra as experiências com Realidade Virtual que se passam no filme de ficção-científica Estranhos Prazeres (Strange Days), de Kathryn Bigelow (1995):

"(photo:Kurokawa Mikio) The Inter Dis-Communication Machine (1993), by Hachiya Kazuhiko, lets two participants see things from the other persons perspective. The site states “the concept to make it possible to kiss or to make love with the partner while keeping the machines on”".

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