quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2007

Goodbye Privacy I - Ars Eletronica/Symposium

Goodbye Privacy é o tema do Ars Etetronica - Festival de arte, tecnologia e sociedade - deste ano (de 5 a 11 de setembro de 2007, Linz, Austria.). Na programação do festival, um Symposium que acontece nos dias 06 e 07 de setembro é dedicado ao tema Goodbye Privacy na atualidade, tendo em vista o duplo contexto do medo do terrorismo e das alegrias da web 2.0. Pesquisadores, artistas e ativistas participam do Simposyum, que conta com nomes como Brian Holmes e David Lyon. Veja aqui a programação completa e abaixo um trecho da apresentação do tema do Festival.

"“Goodbye Privacy” is the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica, the festival extraordinaire of art, technology and society in Linz, Austria. September 5–11, 2007, the focus will be on these late-breaking phenomena of a new culture of everyday life being played out between angst-inducing scenarios of seamless surveillance and the zest we bring to staging our public personas via digital media.

In Ars Electronica’s inimitable fashion, elaborations in the form of symposia, exhibits, performances and interventions will proliferate beyond the confines of conference halls and exhibition spaces, and spread across the whole city.
Artists, experienced network nomads, theoreticians, technologists and legal scholars will approach this year’s theme from quite different perspectives:

* What do we have at our disposal to counter the intrusions of control and surveillance technologies?
* How can the new cultural paradigms of Web 2.0 communities be made to generate social dynamics that can also display relevance in the real world?
* How can we prevent the loss of individual control over our digital personas?
* What sorts of new strategies are there to reinvent privacy in the transparent world of digital media?
* How can we shatter the pre-configured virtual public spheres of the entertainment industries and mold new ones ourselves?
* How can we bring the entire cultural diversity of our societies to bear in these newly emerging public, social realms?"

Indicarei alguns trabalhos apresentados no Festival num próximo post, mas já menciono aqui uma intervenção na cidade de Linz tematizando as relações público/privado, prevista pela própria organização do Ars Eletrônica. Trata-se do Please smile, you’re being photographed!, que ocorrerá no dia 08 de setembro, conforme descrição abaixo:

"Please smile, you’re being photographed!

Ars Electronica’s invitation to a “group portrait” on Saturday, September 8, 2007 is meant to stage a mise en scène in which the city and its residents come across in the best possible light! The observed thereby become performers and take the process of being observed to the point of absurdity. The exhortation to “Please smile, you’re being photographed!” is meant to politely summon every man, woman and child to go outside and direct his or her message to the heavens—for instance, via banner or human chain, a “creatively” mowed lawn or a work of art.

1 pixel = 8 square centimeters of Linz
A small, specially-constructed aircraft will circle Linz at an altitude of 1,140 meters and photograph the city. The entire city. A total of 4,424 exposures will be made during this approximately 4½-hour flyover. The high-resolution technology won’t leave much out of the picture: each individual pixel will represent 8 cm2 of Linz.

Group Photo will be on display in the Ars Electronica Center
Just a few days after the shoot, the Linz Group Photo will go on display at the Ars Electronica Center. Be sure to drop by and see for yourself how well your likeness has been captured. You’ll also be able to take home your own copy custom-printed on site!"

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