Temos em vista a realização de um mapeamento aqui no Brasil, incluindo a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Voltaremos a isso.
1. Surveillance Camera Project
O grupo produz informações e mapas da videovigilância em Nova Iorque. Resumo do Projeto abaixo:
"Over the last five months, a small but dedicated group of New York Civil Liberties Union volunteers walked the streets of Manhattan in search of video surveillance cameras. This group sought out every camera, public or private, which records people in public space. From the records they made of the camera locations, the volunteers produced a comprehensive map of all 2,397 surveillance cameras in Manhattan.
Clearly, video surveillance cameras have arrived on the streets of New York City. But it is up to us to decide if they are here to stay, and if they are, then under what conditions. At this stage in their proliferation, we need to take an active, not passive, role in the decision-making process that allows for the installation of video surveillance cameras.
The intent of this website is to raise awareness of the prevalence of video surveillance cameras in New York City, explain the threat they pose to our individual freedom, begin a long overdue, much needed dialogue on the topic and recommend ways to curb cameras infringement on our right of anonymity and to move and associate freely."
Clearly, video surveillance cameras have arrived on the streets of New York City. But it is up to us to decide if they are here to stay, and if they are, then under what conditions. At this stage in their proliferation, we need to take an active, not passive, role in the decision-making process that allows for the installation of video surveillance cameras.
The intent of this website is to raise awareness of the prevalence of video surveillance cameras in New York City, explain the threat they pose to our individual freedom, begin a long overdue, much needed dialogue on the topic and recommend ways to curb cameras infringement on our right of anonymity and to move and associate freely."
2. Surveillance Camera Players
Este grupo realiza uma série de ações contra-vigilância, conforme mostramos em outro post, entre as quais a elaboração de mapas de câmeras de vigilância em Nova Iorque e outras cidades.
Vejam Mapa das câmeras de vigilância em Times Square (2005):Guia prático para mapear câmeras de vigilância:
3. i-See - Institute for Applied Autonomy
Este projeto já foi descrito neste blog e inclui não só o mapeamento de câmeras de vigilância como a elaboração de dispositivos que permitam aos indivíduos evitá-las. Abaixo, imagem do mapa realizado em colaboração com o Suveillance Camera Project, o Surveillance Camera Players e o Eyebeam Atelier Workshop Participants. Este último desenvolve projetos muito interessantes sobre vigilância, mas merecem um post exclusivo; a vir.
Growth of Surveillance of Public Space:
Select Areas of Manhattan 1998-2002
Download do mapa disponível aqui.
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