sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

In defense of poor image

Hito Steyerl, realizadora de Lovely Andrea (2007), em defesa da imagem "pobre", ou "precária":

"The poor image is a copy in motion. Its quality is bad, its resolution substandard. As it accelerates, it deteriorates. It is a ghost of an image, a preview, a thumbnail, an errant idea, an itinerant image distributed for free, squeezed through slow digital connections, compressed, reproduced, ripped, remixed, as well as copied and pasted into other channels of distribution...

It transforms quality into accessibility, exhibition value into cult value, films into clips, contemplation into distraction. The image is liberated from the vaults of cinemas and archives and thrust into digital uncertainty, at the expense of its own substance. The poor image tends towards abstraction: it is a visual idea in its very becoming...

The circulation of poor images feeds into both capitalist media assembly lines and alternative audiovisual economies. In addition to a lot of confusion and stupefaction, it also possibly creates disruptive movements of thought and affect...

The poor image is no longer about the real thing—the originary original. Instead, it is about its own real conditions of existence: about swarm circulation, digital dispersion, fractured and flexible temporalities. It is about defiance and appropriation just as it is about conformism and exploitation."

O texto na íntegra aqui.

2 comentários:

hvianna disse...

Sou estudante de audiovisual e o tema é de meu interesse. Muito obrigado pelo excelente texto!

Fernanda Bruno disse...

De nada. O texto foi uma boa surpresa para mim também. abraços,